RC - Test

Alberi Monumentali Italia

dataset di A.Borruso


asylum seekers (first time)

Incidentalità sulla Rete Ciclabile

Open Data Firenze

Mappa dei rischi dei comuni Italiani

dataset Istat - via data.world query


Forza Lavoro per età - 2000 vs 2016


Prezi per vari carburanti

Airbnb Puglia

Host con più di 10 annunci

Airbnb Sicilia

Host con più di 10 annunci

Airbnb Sicilia

% Host con più di 10 annunci

WP - school shootings

dataset maintained by the Washington Post

WP - school shootings

story map sample

NYC 311 service calls

one month of service calls

Amsterdam Trees

aggregated and sizeed by tree height

WP - unresolved homicides

aggregated and original events

WP - unresolved homicides

aggregated and original events

NYC - Crime - 2015

aggregated and original events

NYC - Crime - 2015

aggregated and original events

Palermo incidenti


Palermo incidenti

2 different ways

Palermo Incidenti multigrid

aggregated and original events

iXMaps Viewer

Thematic map view frame

iXMaps Configurator

Create thematic maps

Tutorial 1: Configurator

Create thematic maps

PAI Regione Sicilia

tiled map